Home Sweet Home

Hey everybody! Happy Sunday – I hope you’re having a great weekend! I’ve popped in with a Pajama Crafter Stamps project to share today created with the awesome Prickley Pear Stamps Ham Camper Summer stamps and Ham Camper die. OMGoodness, these are definitely some of my favorites because Ed and I were full-time RV’ers for several years and we sure have some good memories! This is another one of the (many) projects I created prior to leaving the PCS team at the end of February and hadn’t yet showcased. It’s a super easy design with a washi tape background, a few stamped images, and a couple brads. I totally love it!

I cut the card base and a layering panel from CutCardStock Cougar Smooth White cardstock. I added strips of Eyelet Outlet grass and wide sky washi tape to the layering panel and stamped the sentiment from the Ham Camper Summer stamps at the top. The camper, flag and flower pot (also from the Ham Camper Summer stamp set) were stamped in Memento Tuxedo Black ink on Cougar Smooth White cardstock and colored with alcohol markers. I cut the camper with the coordinating Ham Camper die and popped it up on foam strips. I fussy cut the flag and flower pot and added them to the scene along with an Eyelet Outlet sun and kitty brad. I popped up the panel on foam strips which completed the card sample.

Affiliate links are used in this post at no cost to you – I really appreciate your support!

Pajama Crafter Stamps products used:
Prickley Pear Stamps Ham Camper Summer stamps
Prickley Pear Stamps Ham Camper dies

Other products used:
Cardstock/Paper: CutCardStock Cougar Smooth 100# White cardstock
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black ink; Arteza alcohol markers- R43, RP15, Y02, YG22, B10, GS05/09; Sakura White Gelly Roll pen
Accessories: Tonic Studios 12″ Guillotine Paper Trimmer, CutCardStock Plus High Capacity adhesive, Art Glitter Dries Clear adhesive, MISTI stamp tool, Big Shot; Eyelet Outlet Wide Sky and Grass washi tape, Sun/Cloud and Kitty Brads; 1″ double-sided foam strip

I hope you’ve enjoyed this project! Be sure to check out all the awesome stamps, dies and other goodies at Pajama Crafter Stamps which is the new home of the Prickley Pear Stamps brand and the Pajama Crafter Stamps line! Keep up with news and sales by following Pajama Crafter Stamps on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, and join Pajama Crafter Stamps & Friends for lots of fun crafty ideas and to share your creativity! And finally, be sure to visit the Pajama Crafter Stamps blog and sign up for the newsletter to stay in touch! Thanks so much for stopping by today – we’ll see you next time! ;)

Scrappy hugs,

Author: Leslie

Crazy cat lady and crafting junkie! We have 10 feline rescues. I’m addicted to stamping and love making cards, ATCs, and 3-D projects (especially paper shoes, paper purses and mini albums). I also dabble in mixed media, art journaling, altered art and custom jewelry. If you’re looking for me, I’ll either be in my studio or getting some kitty lovins! ;)

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