Simply Crafty SVGs Blog Hop Winner

Hi everyone! I’ve popped in today for a minute to announce the Simply Crafty SVGs Father’s Day Blog Hop winner from my blog!

If you hopped with us, you’ll recall that the plan was to have one $5 gift certificate winner from each blog stop in the hop as well as one $10 gift certificate grand prize winner! Be sure to check the Simply Crafty SVGs Blog tomorrow, June 2nd, for a full list of winners!

So, drum roll please…

The winner of a $5 gift certificate from my blog is Jill Beattie! Capture

Congrats, Jill! Please contact me within the next week (by this time next Friday night, June 8th), to claim your $5 gift certificate to the Simply Crafty SVGs online store! Have fun shopping!

That’s it for this evening! Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Scrappy hugs,


Author: Leslie

Crazy cat lady and crafting junkie! We have 10 feline rescues. I’m addicted to stamping and love making cards, ATCs, and 3-D projects (especially paper shoes, paper purses and mini albums). I also dabble in mixed media, art journaling, altered art and custom jewelry. If you’re looking for me, I’ll either be in my studio or getting some kitty lovins! ;)

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